2019 - Programme - Summer School

Summer School 2019

The 8th Robert Boyle Summer School will take place from 20 – 23 June 2019 at Waterford City and Lismore and addresses the potentials and perils of SUPERHUMAN.

The inspiration for the 2019 summer school was Boyle’s wonderful, prophetic (and now quirky) document from the 1660’s where he lists 24 things that he thought the new science might deliver. Most of them have come to pass in the intervening 350 years. Many of them refer to human health and performance. Top of the list was the “prolongation of life”, and he would surely be amazed at the advancements made.

We thought that we would start in the 17th Century and consider what Boyle and his contemporaries were thinking about and then look to the present and the future to see how we science and technology are poised to create Superhumans. How much further can we advance life expectancy and what can we do to ensure that our ageing population is healthy and fit? How can technologies help people suffering illness or infirmity to lead more active and engaged lives?

These are all worthy sounding developments, but what about the aim of enhancement  from human to superhuman? This is no longer science fiction and the 8th RBSS will explore the possibilities and perils of SUPERHUMAN.

genetic modification |  bionics | cybernetics | prolongation of life | enhancement of memory | exoskeletons | sensory enhancement | Implications & Ethics

The school was located at the Tower Hotel, recently refurbished, in the heart of the City’s Viking Quarter. Attendees were transferred by coach to Lismore on Saturday 22nd for a programme at the Lismore Heritage Centre and an evening garden party at Boyle’s birthplace, Lismore Castle. A special event was held on Friday evening at Waterford City Hall.

Speakers include: Prof Annraoi de Paor; Dr Natalie Kaoukji, Cambridge; Prof Luke O’Neill, Trinity College Dublin; Prof Niall Moyna, Dublin City University; Prof Tomás Ryan, Trinity College Dublin; Prof Madeleine Lowery, University College Dublin; Nuala Clarke, Artist; Dr Oliver Feeney, NUI Galway; Calmast Team: Cordula Weiss, Dr Sheila Donegan, Eoin Gill (WIT) and Paul Nugent (IOP).


Thursday 20 June 2019

2 pm – 5 pm (Lismore Heritage Centre) – Irish Association for Physicists in Medicine Meeting

A dialogue on the usefulness of the Physics Testing Methods of Modern Interventional Cardiology and Radiology Systems

7 pm (Tower Hotel Waterford) – Prof Annraoi de Paor

Superhumans in Ancient Irish folklore: the career of Lugh Lámhfhada

Friday 21 June 2019

Morning and Afternoon sessions. Venue: Tower Hotel Waterford

9:30 am Registration

10:30 am Dr. Natalie Kaoukji, University of Cambridge

Overturning natural limitations: prolonging life in the seventeenth century

11:45 Nuala Clarke, Visual Artist

Inspired by Boyle: Experiments and Considerations Touching Colour

1:00 pm Lunch break

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Eoin Gill, Sheila Donegan, Cordula Weiss and Paul Nugent

Recreation of Boyle’s original experiments: Touching Colour

Evening Session. Venue: Waterford City Hall

5:00 pm Prof Luke O’Neill, TCD


6:00 pm Prof Niall Moyna, DCU

Stone age genes and space age technology – Impact on human health

8:00 School Dinner at Hobson’s Restaurant Tower Hotel overlooking the Suir River

Saturday 22 June

Venue: Lismore Heritage Centre. Coach Transfer Leaving Waterford 9 am

10:30 am Prof Madeleine Lowery, UCD

Engineering the Human Body: from bionics and exoskeletons to brain-computer interface

11:45 am Prof Tomás Ryan, TCD

What is the future of human evolution?

1:00 pm Lunch break

2:30 pm Dr Oliver Feeney, NUIG

From the Human Genome Project to CRISPR-Cas9: a reassessment of the ethical, legal and societal issues

7:00 pm Garden Party at Lismore Castle’s Jacobean Gardens with locally produced gourmet food prepared by award winning Eunice Power, Robert Boyle Gin and Metalman craft beer, and baroque music.

9:30 pm Coach transfer back to Waterford

Sunday 23 June

11:30 am Visit Waterford’s Viking Triangle

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